Some Thoughts on ERG

Dear Friends,

Our English Reading Group has been running for a while. So far we have had 5 reading sessions on ``Zhong Yong''. A lot of thanks for the help we got from all friends, and in particular, thanks to Yi-Ren, Yiru, Mingjie, Minyan, Xiaoke, Jite, Qiaosheng, and Hong, for their efforts on preparing and chairing these reading sessions.

Beyond the inspiration and joy we had from the past reading sessions, there are quite a few places on which we can improve. Following is a proposal for possible changes/improvements:

Big picture - reading sessions should contain more historical, cultural/literature elements, and less focus on heavy philosophical topics

1. Organise readings in series, each series potentially lasts for a term. For a start, we would like to have our first series of sessions threaded with history. In detail, this means we will cover dynasty/historical period sequentially, each with one or a few reading sessions.

2. There will be 2 chairs for each session (as in the past), but we will split the 1 hr session into 2 half-hour slots; each slot chaired by one convener, and with different focus

  1. 1st half-hour slot : 成语故事 (Cheng Yu Gu Shi), 三十六计 (San Shi Liu Ji), 孙子兵法 (Sun Zi Bing Fa), etc..
  2. 2nd half-hour slot : 诗词 (poetry), etc..

The historical context should be briefly introduced in the first slot.

3. Note both historical stories and poetry must be selected from the ongoing historical period, i.e. if we talked about the Qin Dynasty in the previous session, then we should pick stories/poetry from the Han dynasty for the following sessions.

4. We will try to produce a term card for all reading sessions in the coming term. What we will need is an abstract for each reading session, and of course volunteers for chairing reading sessions. It is a good opportunity for learning Chinese culture, making friends, and improving presentation skills. Sign up by filling the form <> or email Hong.

5. Emails letters regarding English Reading Group should also be sent to CUSU, CUSU has a web interface for submitting weekly society events. We will need figure out the details how it works.

Above is a summary of my reflections and suggestions I received on the English Reading Group. I would be more than happy to hear any suggestions/comments from all friends. Feel free to forward this email to other friends who I managed to miss : )

Thanks and best wishes,
