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2014年10月11日,在新一学年的迎新活动中,一如给中外朋友奉献了一场茶会。The Tea Ceremony on 11 Oct 2014. Yiru performed on freshers' squash. Thanks for the excellent photographying by Ganchi Zhang!^_^

2014年2月2日,在达尔文学院的中国晚会上,一如给达尔文学院的中外朋友奉献了一场茶会。The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb 2nd 2014. Yiru performed for the friends of Darwin College.

2014年2月2日,在达尔文学院的中国晚会上,一如给达尔文学院的中外朋友奉献了一场茶会。这里一如不仅泡了功夫茶,而且还有两种她自己制作的花茶:“桂圆枸杞蜂蜜茶” 和 “五宝茶” (由台湾阿里山茶,新疆大红枣,青海红枸杞,龙眼,白菊花)The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb 2nd 2014, Yiru did not only demonstrated Gongfu tea with Guanyin, but also served two other kinds of flower tea created by herself: 'Gongen, Gouqi berry, and Honey tea' and 'five valuable tea' (the five valuables are: Taiwan Ali Mountain tea, big red dates from Xinjiang, Red Gouqi berries from Qinghai, dried Longen, and white chrysanthemum).

2013年11月24日,在 Woflson 学院的冬日茶话会,感谢陈曦为我们绘制的美丽海报!The poster of the tea party of a winter season in Wolfson College. Thanks a lot for Xi Chen's Drawing of the lovely poster!:)

2013年2月9日,在达尔文学院的Chinese New Year festival上,一如又奉献给大家一场精彩的茶会,祝福新的一年,谢谢一如!The Tea Ceremony in the Chinese New Year Festival at Darwin College on Feb. 9th, 2013. This is another excellent piece of art Yiru created and showed to us. Best wishes for the New Year and Thanks a lot to Yiru.

2013年2月9日,在达尔文学院的茶会。一如连续讲解和演示了好多遍功夫茶之后,来参与的朋友还是很多,于是晓科开始接替一如给大家讲解。The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb. 9th, 2013. After talking about tea and demonstrating how to make Kongfu Tea for several rounds, Yiru got a bit tired and there were still many friends joining us. Xiaoke then took over with siginificantly degraded performance. :) Many thanks to those friends for their tolerance.

2013年2月9日,达尔文学院的茶会。这张是一如在休息的时候。The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb. 9th, 2013. This is Yiru when she was taking a break.

2013年2月9日,在达尔文学院的茶会。一如在给一位外国友人讲某一种茶。旁边晓科在很不专业地拿左撇子泡茶。-_-! The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb. 9th, 2013. After a short break, Yiru started to talk about a certain type of tea and Xiaoke was making tea in an unprofessional manner.

2013年2月9日,在达尔文学院的茶会。这是一如在摆放茶具。为了准备下午在Wolfson学院和晚上在达尔文学院的茶会,一如一天都没有顾得上吃饭和休息,茶会一直持续到凌晨1点多。一直到收起茶具之前,都还有热心的朋友在茶具前试着泡茶。非常感谢一如对两次茶会的付出和劳累! The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb. 9th, 2013. This is Yiru setting up the tea sets. Yiru hadn't eaten anything or even rested for the whole day, in order to save time for the tea ceremonies and the preparations. The tea ceremony in Darwin continued till 1 am in the morning. Right before we put up the tea sets, there were still friends sitting in front and trying to make tea. Thanks very much to Yiru for her persistence and devotion for the two ceremonies.

2013年2月9日,达尔文学院的茶会。在现场的朋友们。The Tea Ceremony at Darwin College on Feb. 9th, 2013. Two friends from our society.

2013年2月9日,在Wolfson 学院奉献给2013年新年的纪念: 一场中国传统功夫茶道与“禅”之结合,诠释“和敬清寂”的禅茶之美,体味身心清净,禅茶一如,物我两忘!A Tea Ceremony at Wolfson College on Feb. 9th, 2013. A special welcome to the coming Chinese New Year. It is the integratation of Chinese traditional tea ceremony and Zen, elaborating the art of Zen and tea through '和(Harmony)敬(Respect)清(Clear)寂(Quiet)'. Through it, the calmness and peace within the body and heart is percepted, which mingles Zen and tea, blurs the boundaries between self and other, inner and outer worlds.

2013年2月9日,在Wolfson学院办的2013年新年茶会。感谢一如的辛勤准备和对茶道与“禅”的精彩阐释!A Tea Ceremony at Wolfson College on Feb. 9th, 2013. Thanks very much to Yiru for her diligent and meticulous preparations and the profound elaboration to Zen and the Tao of tea.

2013年2月9日,茶会开始之前的准备。:) A Tea Ceremony at Wolfson College on Feb. 9th, 2013. Before the tea ceremony. :)

2013年2月9日,茶会开始之前的准备。:) A Tea Ceremony at Wolfson College on Feb. 9th, 2013. Before the tea ceremony. :)

2012年6月9日,在Wolfson 学院以“禅茶一味”为主题的一场中国茶道。A Tea Ceremony at Wolfson College. The theme is 'Tea and Zen'.Demonstrated by Yiru.

2011年12月1日,在李约瑟研究所以“茶与诗”为主题的一场中国茶会。A tea party at the Needham Research Institute in 1st December, 2011. The theme is 'Tea and Poem'. The attendants include the famous sinologist Professor Sir Geoffery Lloyd and Dr. Micheal Loewe. Demonstrated by Yiru and hosted by Qiaosheng.